inspiration for the day
So yesterday in relief society the lesson was about strengthening our friendship with the Savior, really inviting him into our lives. The teacher was awesome and the spirit was so strong. She asked what kind of traits we expect in friends, and it got me thinking about my friends, particularly Kirsten. One nice thing about her is that she is an amazing photographer, and all the special moments of my recent life have been captured by her talented eye. I swear I will never let anyone else take our families pictures, it's just a joke to see the difference in quality that her knowing me & my family so well makes. Does that make sense? Even including all my modeling photoshoots, none make me look as beautiful as when Kirsten takes my picture. She knows me inside & out and all the good and all the bad, and she seems to still like me, and that is reflected in the photography that she does somehow.
But that made me think about how that's kind of what the Savior does for us, he knows us so well, the good and the bad, but more importantly, he knows our potential, and he takes us and filters us through the lens of how much he loves us and through the divine atonement and that is what he presents to the Father to plead our case. So somehow, we look just as beautiful as it is possible for us to. What a miracle. I am so thankful for the plan of salvation & for the fact that I know without a doubt that Jesus Christ is my Savior & brother. I love him with all my heart.
I think you and Kirsten are amazing and I am so glad that you found eachother. You have a bond that is so much like sisters and I admire your devotion and never-failing loyalty to eachother. So awesome. Loves, Kierstin
Wow, I really needed to hear that today, thanks so much. I am always so in awe at the things you say about really are such a true friend and I admire you for doing your cakes and rockin' at it and always learning new things...talents really do come from tryin' new things and tryin' them again, you are good at that....oh and running too, you overcame hating running at that is so cool. I always hear people say, "I hate running," and I always think of you and how you overcame the whole, "I hate running" thing. Thanks for loving me despite my weaknesses as well. We're lucky to have each other, I know you would do anything for me and I love you for that. You rock, and you are a rock star!!!
Helloooo again,
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