For all those who haven't had the blessing of a relationship like this, those who think I'm making too much of this & that "she's just a dog", I am sorry. So, so sorry for you. Try to experience it before you die. You will never know more unconditional love on this earth (at least not from a non-deity being.) Yesterday I could tell that Charlie knew something was up. Matt & I had been overly affectionate & teary with her. By the time Ashley, Shawn & Aspen arrived to pick her up, she was pretty anxious & kept growling at them. But they were incredibly patient and wonderful, as much as I hate to admit it, and were getting hugs & kisses from her by the time they left. She hopped up into the back of their truck, settled into her kennel, and with her insane amount of stuff, they drove off. Sawyer & I sunk down on the garage stairs & cried. At least I did, Sawyer pretended to occasionally, but mostly just petted my face & hair. Then she went in to play (see what I mean?). I think she works through her feelings through her play though, because, just like with the displacement she felt with the whole house situation, I hear her talking to her stuffed animals & dollies about dogs that go away, and being 'lergic to dogs & horses. I hope she doesn't blame herself. Ever. I wish I could think of some other magical thing I could have done to make it work; wish I could call her new family up & say that the deal was off, but I know this was the right choice for our daughter's health. I cannot get around that. However, I also cannot get around this dog-shaped hole in our world. Yesterday our dear friends Danny & Jess did what any good Mormon would do when someone they know loses a loved one: brought dinner over.
Red Mango yogurt therapy, and accidentally wound up trying to see if retail therapy would help, but Downeast Home in Layton is in a frightful state right now,
My mother-in-law keeps saying that it is better to have loved & lost that to never have loved at all, and yes, I agree, but seriously? She was a large dog & that dog-shaped hole I was talking about earlier ain't messing around.