It feels like a long time since I've had a baby. Abram is a sweet little nugget, but I'm having such a hard time figuring out exactly how miserable I want to be in these first few months, and in what way. With Sawyer I was well rested, but miserable in that I was being a BabyWise Nazi and hardly left the house for fear of disrupting her precious schedule. I felt like a failure if she didn't act exactly like the book said she would. She started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks, and has always been a good sleeper & an all around awesome kid, so was it worth it?..... I dunno.
Abram is a different kid though. He's a huge snuggler while Sawyer wasn't much of one, so there's that. Also he loves his binkie, which I'm pretty sure is going to magically disappear from the face of the planet, because I HATE it!! He can't keep it in and just as he's about to fall asleep it falls out & he gets all pissed off. Grrrrr.
It would be really easy to have him sleep with us, just roll over & nurse him, distribute snuggles as needed, but I'm afraid of how long that would go on, afraid of squashing him, and eventually we'd have to somehow get him to sleep in his own room, and that'd just get harder every night.
So, where is the happy medium? The only things I know for sure is that I want to help him learn to fall asleep on his own, without nursing/rocking/walking him to sleep. I don't even care if he gets up at night, just as long as he goes right back to sleep, not futzes around for two hours until I feed him again like he has the last two nights.
You know how older moms are always telling you to "cherish these moments while your kids are young...they grow so fast"? Well that's pretty much my mantra, not the "cherish these moments" part, but the "they grow so fast" part. I have to keep reminding myself that this stage is so temporary, SO THAT I DON'T GO INSANE!!!! That's probably not how they mean it, is it?
I'm not a baby person.
Please don't hate me or think that I don't adore my baby or call DCFS.
Suggestions? What do you dooooo with a baby???
- Posted from my iPhone