Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I may not have a dog, but I do have a retardedly cute kid.

The lovely & talented & giving Laura Dugovic, one of my dearest friends that I hardy ever get to see because she has chosen to live way too far away from me (where are her priorities, right?), where was I? That was a bit of a run-on sentence. Anyway, yesterday we got together & Larua took THE most cutest pictures of her darling Kort & my sweet Sawyer. I think that they are a bit smitten with each other, and I am about to make the betrothal official, if Kort could just stop being a boy for long enough to eat so that he would grow a little bit. He's got the genetics, it's just that he's five and she's three and she's maybe 2 inches shorter than him, and for sure outweighs him. Anyway, it just happened to also be the first day that Sawyer actually requested straight hair, and let me get within 2 feet of her with the flat iron. I'm not really a hair-do-er, I kinda suck at it, but I think she looks soooo cute with straight hair. Go here & here to check the cutest part of our day out.

addendum: here are more. yay Laura! I heart you!

1 comment:

The Neilson Family said...

Man she is so cute, and that boy is dang handsome! He'd better grow quick so she can wear heels at their wedding!